邢悅,本名莫羲世,八十後詩人、書法家、全職藝術教育工作者、汴京茶寮(Tealosophy Tea Bar)藝術總監,曾任中學語文教師,隨父親莫華基從事書法教學逾二十年,並與茶道、香道、音樂、皮雕、紋身等不同藝術領域合作,發揚文字魅力。近年專注兒童書寫教育,透過觀察及分析兒童「讀寫問題」進行啟蒙。

Ieng Ut, born Mok Hei Sai (Elvis Mok), is a post-1980s poet, calligrapher, art educator, and the art director of Tealosophy Tea Bar, with experience as a high school Chinese teacher. Ieng followed in the footsteps of his father Mok Wa Kei as a Chinese calligraphy teacher and has remained in the field for over two decades. He has been working to bring out the charm of writing with professionals from the tea, incense, music, leatherworking, and tattoo sectors. His focus in recent years has been on delivering enlightening handwriting education for children to help them align their handwriting and word recognition skills.

2002│ 與友人創立澳門首個網絡詩社「別有天詩社」。出版同仁合集《彩繪集》、《迷路人的字母》、《純粹‧我們》。

2008│ 獲澳門視覺藝術年展年度「十佳」。多次入選澳門書畫聯展及視覺藝術年展,曾舉辦合展「蓮頌」、「消塵」、「澳門字傳──中西字藝展」。

2017│ 創立「翰墨藝術教育中心」,持續關注兒童書寫啟蒙與師資問題,並與澳門教育及青年發展局合作,開展本地書法師資培訓。

自 2014 年起,持續「三行詩」創作,書寫日常,剎那感動的文字。

2002 – 2007│Founded Macao Outersky Poet Association; co-published Anthology of Colorful Poems, Simple‧Us, and so on.

2008 – 2016│Won a Distinction award at the Macao Annual Visual Arts Exhibition; with works selected for multiple editions of the Collective Exhibition of Macau Artists and Macao Annual Visual Arts Exhibition; co-organized “In Praise of Lotus – Calligraphy Exhibition by Mok Wa Kei and Mok Hei Sai,” “Purge One’s Mind – Trio Exhibition by Leong Kit Man, Im Hok Lon and Mok Hei Sai” and “Macaography – Chinese and Western Calligraphy Art Exhibition”

2017 – present│Established Hon Ma Art Education Center (Centro de Educação Artes Hon Ma), which has been paying attention to enlightening handwriting education for children and issues regarding the training of relevant teachers while offering calligraphy teacher training for locals in cooperation with the Education and Youth Development Bureau of Macao Ieng’s poetry collections include The Gentle Exile Chinese Poems, Anecdotal Poetry, The Confirmed Matters, Idle Days Are Not Bad at All, Lips, and Liking Everything Happening Quietly – Three-line Poetry by Ieng Ut‧IIHe has been composing three-line poetry that captures the touching moments of everyday life since 2014.